Indigo Expat RC&IA, the personal liability insurance for expatriates

Personal liability insurance for expatriates: you used to be covered in France for personal liability through your “multirisques Habitation” insurance. This insurance will cover you and your dependents in case you cause damages to goods or people. Indigo Expat RC&IA replace the coverage you cancelled before leaving your home country, during your stay in your new country of residence.

You and your dependents are covered as well in your home country (France, Belgium, the Netherlands), during your shorts stays, such as summer or winter holidays. Indigo Expat RC&IA is the complementary insurance to Indigo Expat CFE, Indigo Expat CLASSIC or Indigo Expat GROUP Medical. This cover is especially appretiated by expatriates in countries where there is no local insurance for these risks. Indigo Expat RC&IA is no longer available. Now, these benefits are automatically included in our new products.

personal liability insurance expatriates

Indigo Expat WeCare and OnePack

Assistance, personal liability as well as accidental death are automatically included in our new plans. Ie. Indigo Expat WeCare and OnePack. For more info, visit the following pages.

informations pour les expatriésIndigo Expat WeCare

informations pour les expatriésIndigo Expat OnePack

personal liability insurance expatriates

Indigo Expat RC&IA – documents

The documentation for the personal liability insurance for expatriates is available only in French.

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Brochure Indigo Expat RC&IA

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Conditions Générales


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Désignation de bénéficiaire(s)

personal liability insurance expatriates

Are you eligible to the personal liability insurance for expatriates Indigo Expat RC&IA ?

Indigo Expat RC&IA can be subscribe by adult aged between 18 and 70 years old. To subscribe to Indigo Expat RC&IA, you must complete the following conditions:

  1. be covered under an Indigo Expat medical plan (Indigo Expat CFE, Classic or Group, and
  2. be a fiscal resident in France, in Belgium or in the Netherlands when you subscribe.

Indigo Expat RC&IA has been designed by and developed exclusively for Assurances et Conseils Moncey. Benefits are covered by Generali. This coverage is insured and administered by Generali IARD.


personal liability insurance for expatriates

Pay attention to the local regulation

Please note that Indigo Expat RCIA does not free you from local regulations, and our plans are not substitute for local mandatory insurances.