Indigo Expat: private insurances for expatriates

You work or live abroad? Find out more info on our private insurances for expatriates: Indigo Expat. Dedicated to expatriates and their family, Indigo Expat plans are subscribed for at least twelve months. In fact, Indigo Expat plans are bundled packages specifically for expatriates. Thus, these plans include a Core Plan, an Out-patient Plan and a Dental Plan. Finally, optional plan can be purchased with this package such as Maternity Plan.


Before leaving your home country and before becoming an expatriate, please contact us. And consider our exclusive plans. We believe indeed that you should find a suitable coverage for your project with us.

Indigo Expat

Exclusive private medical insurances for expatriates

On one side, Indigo Expat OnePack is a medical insurance on top-up to CFE

expatriatesIndigo Expat OnePack (CFE)

On the other side, Indigo Expat WeCare is a fully private plan for expatriates.  These plans can exclusively be susbscribed by a policyholder with EU nationality, who is permanently residing outside his or her home country.

expatriatesIndigo Expat WeCare (1st €)

Indigo Expat WelCome is a private medical plan for expatriates who are residing in the EU

expatriates⇒  Indigo Expat WelCome (1st €)

Finally, Indigo Expat Junior is dedicated to young expatriates.

expatriates⇒  Indigo Expat Junior (< 30 yo)

Indigo Expat

Moncey Comparators compares medical insurances for expatriates

At Assurances et Conseils Moncey, we support you as much as we can selecting the private medical insurances which best fit your needs. Thus, we do compare our own plans Indigo Expat with others selected products.

Through our exclusive comparators, you can easily compare plans. And also pickpoint specific differences. Such as conditions, annual budget, services, renewal process, etc. Therefore, this unique approach helps you to decide which plan to select!



Please pay attention to the local regulation

Please note that subscribing to an insurance for expatriate does not free you from local regulations. Our plans are not substitute for local mandatory insurances.