La Caisse des Français de l’Etranger (CFE)

The CFE offers the access to three covers:

The expatriate can decide to subscribe to any of the three options above. Enrolment is always done on a voluntuary basis. There are different options or conditions depending if the member is an employee, a self-employed person, a student, a retiree, etc.

EU citizens expatriated outside the EU are eligible to CFE.


As a future expatriate, consider CFE

Please keep in mind that:

  • enrolment to the CFE has to be done immediately when leaving the French Social Security to make sur that no special conditions or waiting periods apply,
  • work accidents coverage is most of the time not well considered, because there are not well-known. It is important to note that these benefits can not be replaced or proposed by any private insurance company, and do make a difference in case of serious accident,
  • students can subscribe to health insurance with discounted rates,
  • basic state pension can only be subscribed through CFE during expatriation. It does make sense to continue contributing to the French Social Security if  the Expatriate

page web CFE official web site


CFE and the future of the expatriate

You probably care about your pension in the future and do:

  1. expect full pension from the State (“taux plein”),
  2. not want to contribute with higher rates in the future for that period (restrictions apply),
  3. require guarantees in case of long term disability for example, when coming back to France.

The CFE has a health and society action budget that assists insured parties who find themselves in a difficult situation as a result of an accident or serious illness. The budget receives its funding from a deduction from premiums paid and from a part of the financial income earned. Because of this budget, the CFE can cover certain additional services, if so decided by the relevant Commission or by the Director, and provide financial assistance to families in need.

This health and society action budget also finances preventive care expenses: vaccinations and medication that is not covered domestically but is imperative for expatriates.


Indigo Expat plan on top up to CFE

First, Moncey Assurances launched the Indigo Expat CFE plan. This plan is no longer available. Expatriates can subscribe to the new generation of plans with Indigo Expat OnePack. Or Indigo Expat Junior for young expatriates. These exclusive plans intervene on Top-Up to CFE. Finally, the administration is efficient and smooth for expatriates.

page web Indigo Expat Junior

page webIndigo Expat OnePack


Pay attention to the local regulation

Please note that subscribing to CFE and an international health insurance does not free you from the local regulations. If you are eligible to contribute to a local healthcare system, make sure that you are compliant. Otherwise, you may be subject to paying a tax levy.