How to choose your health insurance

First health insurance corresponds to short term risks. Indeed, you will have to consult a GP or a dentist fairly quickly, to monitor your health. Medical benefits are divided in several blocks. Through the following links, please find useful info on health insurance and blocks. Even if international health insurance seem to look alike at first glance, they all have their specifities.

contact for health insurance

These differences explain part of the gap in premiums. And they will help the expatriate to choose one cover over another. Keep in mind that – as well as the situation of the expatriate (mariage, child birth, move to another country of expatriation) – insurances change year after year. To conclude, pay also attention to your conditions (benefits, premiums…) at renewal time.

health insurance

Health insurance and social security

The starting point of your analysis should probably be the social security. On one side, you have the social security of your home country. It is a kind of reference because you use it to maintain your health for years. On the other side, you have your country of expatriation. You must check first which benefits you are entitled to local secial security and what is the local regulations.

web pageSocial security abroad

health insuranceZone of coverage

health insurance

Health insurance: in and out patient benefits

Hospitalisation and out patient correspond to the real risk for the Insurer, and to your current medical consumption. It is probably the base for your medical insurance.

web pageHospitalization / In patient

web pageOut patient expenses

health insurance

Health insurance: dental and procedures

Dental is considered as comfort benefits. That’s why they are often optional, and with limits. Exclusions balance the table of benefits. That’s why it is also important to read them carefully.

web pageDental care

health insuranceExclusions & procedures

health insurance

Health insurance: services and rates

Rates reflect benefits, exclusions and services you want to subscribe to. These rates change every year to take into account the age of all covered members, but also medical inflation, technical results …. Therefore, we recommand you to consider the history of the plan on the past 3 years to get a good idea.

health insuranceReimbursement of medical expenses

health insurancePremiums


health insurance

Pay attention to the local regulation

Please note that subscribing to a private health insurance does not free you from the local regulations. If you are eligible to contribute to the local healthcare system in certain countries and do not have local cover in place, you may be subject to paying a tax levy.