International Insurance Companies and partners of Indigo Expat

You can find on this page more information concerning international Insurance Companies we work with to insure and/or administer our plans. We added a link for the CFE which is also a partner for Indigo Expat OnePack or Indigo Expat GROUP Medical.

The international insurance companies we work with for Indigo Expat health insurances, assistance and repatriation, personal liability, accidental death… are listed here after. They have all been selected by Assurances & Conseils Moncey for their expertise, financial stability and/or the quality of their services.


International Insurance Companies – our partners

First you will find below the list of our partners. I.e the insurers of risk : VYV IB (medical & assistance) and Generali IARD (IA & PL) .

international Insurance CompaniesMGEN IB (VYV Group)

international Insurance Companies⇒ Generali IARD

Claims administration

Indigo Expat OnePack and WeCare are administered by MSH International. But Indigo Expat Junior is administered by ExpaTPA. These companies are specialized in the administration of medical plans for expatriates.

web pageExpaTPA

web pageMSH International


ACME is the structure that makes it possible to subscribe to collective contracts with individual membership. It is an Association law 1901, non profit.

page web  ACME

The list of international Companies – here above – can be modified according to our experiences and new projects.

international Insurance Companies

International Insurance Companies – review

We pay attention each year to make sure that our members are satisfied and can benefit a high quality level of service. If any change within the Insurance Company / Partner could impact the quality of services  and our members, such as merge, change of policy…, we take appropriate decisions and can decide to switch to another one to preserve our members’ interests.


international Insurance Companies

international Insurance Companies and local regulation

Please note that subscribing to an international health insurance does not free you from the local regulations. If you are eligible to contribute to a local health system, make sure that you are compliant. Otherwise, you may be subject to paying a tax levy.