Expat health insurance : from your Application Form to renewal

You just send us your Indigo Expat’s Application Form for your expat health insurance (OnePack, WeCare, Welcome, Group) and we thank you for your trust!

To clarify next stages, find here the different steps of your contract for the coming months:

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Underwritting Departement

Your Application Form is submitted to the Underwritting Dept, which will check that all information have been filled in and which will analyze your medical questionnaire.

The following responses are possible:

  • your file is rejected (the Underwritting Dept does not have to justifiy its decision)
  • Special Conditions apply to consider pre existing condition (exclusion and/or extra premium). Further information can be requested in that case (including medical reports). If Special Conditions apply, you recieve the Special Conditions document which has to be siged and returned to process your Application.
  • standard conditions apply

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Invoice and activation of your expat health insurance

If tax applies in your country of expatriation, it will appear now on the invoice of your expat health insurance. Tax are collected by the Insurer and paid to the State to make sure that you are in line with the local regulation, on this aspect. Please note therefore that tax can change according to the regulation if you remain expatriate in the same country, and can disappear from your invoice in case you change your country of expatriation by one where no tax applies.

If you pay by bank transfer or by cheque, please note that it is important to mention your reference which is indicated on your invoice. This is the sole way to identify and allocate your payment to your policy.

To obtain a quick activation of your policy / expat health insurance, you may opt for credit card or direct debit payment.

When your payment is allocated, your policy is activated and you can immediately benefit your coverage and services.

indigo expat

Welcome Pack

You will find the following documents in your Welcome Pack : the welcome email, notices of information, your insurance certificate and the process to connect to your personal area online.

For on line services, please connect yourself on the following page: www.msh-intl.com

Through on line services, you can for example modify your contact and bank details, check your claim statements (pdf) and download your insurance certificate.

indigo expat

Helpline / Client Services of your expat health insurance

You can identify yourself with your personal details (name, surname, date of birth, policy n°) when contacting the Helpline or Client Services, and benefit your coverage and services.

If you have any query, you can find all contact details on your insurance certificate.

The following languages are at least available for your expat health insurance: english, french.

expat health insurance

Request for reimbursment and hospitalisation

Helpline / Client Services is at your own disposal to respond to all your questions on benefits, procedures, reimbursments, prior approval, hospitalisation and to assist you with the claims administration.

You can send your request for reimbursment through online services (personal member area) or with the App.

NB : due to the partnership with La Caisse des Français de l’Etranger, you just have to send your request to MSH which will manage the coordination with the CFE.

expat health insurance

Invoicing – surcharges in case of frequency payment for your expat health insurance

If you opt for a half yearly, quarterly or monthly payement, please note that:

  • you have to pay attention to your credit card and bank account to make sure that payment will not be rejected by your bank and that the credit card will not expire in the coming 2 months, 
  • if your policy is unpaid, you will recieve reminders by emails to the email address saved in the system (the one mentioned on your application form, if you did not changed it through on line services or Client Services). If invoice remains unpaid, your policy will be cancelled and this will be notified to you.

NB: we recommand you to opt for annual payment, when possible, to avoid difficulties.

expat health insurance

Renewal of your expat health insurance

You will recieve your new conditions 2 months before renewal date by your Moncey Assurances’advisor.

Conditions depend on product review, technical results (incl. loss ratio between premiums and claims), medical inflation…. For more information on medical inflation, please read the following page.

subscribe to Indigo ExpatRenewal conditions of your international healthcare insurance and medical inflation

expat health insurance

Your Contacts for your expat health insurance

1. Sales aspects: your Moncey’s Advisor

We remain on your sides to manage your contract, to:

  • add/delete dependents,
  • modify your benefits at renewal,
  • review your expat health insurance if your situation changed,
  • provide you with additional coverages (assistance, life & disability),
  • support you in case you face difficulties.

2. Claims administration and hospitalisation: Helpline & Client Services (MSH)

3. Invoicing: Credit Control (MSH)

For any question related to invoicing, you can email to admineurope@msh-intl.com.

expat health insurance

Expat health insurance and local regulation

Please note that subscribing to an expat health insurance does not free you from the local regulations. If you are eligible to contribute to the local healthcare system in certain countries and do not have local cover in place, you may be subject to paying a tax levy.