Indigo Expat strengths

Indigo Expat strengths : 10 good reasons to subscribe to Indigo Expat’s plans:

  1. These plans are designed and controlled by an independant broker, which is specialized in international insurances for expats: Assurances & Conseils Moncey,
  2. You benefit our expertise of international insurances comparisons. And our continuous support,
  3. Indigo Expat plans are insured and administered by first class Insurers and Claims Administrators : VYV IB, Generali IARD, MSH International,
  4. Thanks to the structured and wide range, you have an easy access to solutions,
  5. These exclusive solutions are especially created to respond expats’ needs and expectations ,
  6. Depending on your nationality, we offer you the opportunity to select a first euro plan or top-up to CFE,
  7. Indigo Expat quotes present you the 3 different offers you can subscribe to,
  8. With full transparency, you can download at any time all contractual and supporting documentation. Ie table of benefits, general conditions, member’s guide, application form, premiums,
  9. To help you rebuild your “social security” during your expatriation, we can also provide you with other insurances. Such as life and disability,
  10. We will support you during the insurance year and guide you at renewal date.


Indigo Expat strengths

Local regulation and Indigo Expat strengths

Please note that subscribing to Indigo Expat plan does not free you from the local regulation. Even if Indigo Expat plans have strengths, listed here above, always consider local regulation first. Afterwards, Indigo Expat strenghs should convince you to consider our plans.