Generali IARD, insurance company
Assicurazioni Generali is an italian insurance company, founded in Trieste in 1831. As of 2022, it is the largest insurance company in Italy. It ranks among the largest insurance companies in the world in terms of net premiums and assets.
The company is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange and is part of the FTSE MIB Milan index.
The adjective “Generali” (“general”) refers to the company’s comprehensive insurance coverage in all lines of business (fire, life, hail, maritime, land and river transport). This approach was rare at the time when most insurance companies in Trieste focused only on maritime transport. With the exception of Azienda Assicuratrice which also dealt with hail insurance.
Generali: insurance company and global group
Generali is today an independent insurance group established in more than 50 countries.
- 69 millions customers worldwide,
- 82,000 employees (51% women),
- 70,7 billion euros in turnover in 2024.
According to the Fortune Global 500 (2023), Generali is ranked 137th among the world’s largest companies.
The Generali Group has fully integrated sustainability into all its strategic choices, with the aim of creating value for all stakeholders while building a more resilient and fairer society.
Generali’s ambition is to be its customers’ partner throughout their lives. That is to say, by offering them innovative and peronalized solutions.
Generali, a major insurance company in France
Generali has been established in France since 1832 and has developed in all branches of insurance. That is to say: car, home, life insurance, retirement savings, pension, etc. for individual, professional and corporate customers.
– 8 million individual, professional and corporate customers,
– 9,300 employees, general agents and agency employees,
– 15,6 billion euros in turnover in 2024.
Lifetime Partner 24 Strategic Plan
“The Lifetime Partner 24: Drigin Growth strategic plan sets out a clear vision for Generali from 2022 to 2024 and is based on three strategic pillars: driving sustainable growth, strengthening our financial strength and accelerating innovation.
A clear vision for Generali in 2024
- strenghen our position as the leading European insurer and integrated asset manager.
- consolidate our financial strengh while buiding on our position as a sustainability champion.
- deliver personalized advice and a best in class customer experience, reinforcing our commitment to being our customers’ life partner.
- boost data driven innoovation and improve our operational efficency through automation and technology.
Core beliefs at the heart of our strategy
- Meeting aspirations: enabling everyone to build a safer and more sustainable future by taking care of their lives and dreams.
- Being our customers’ life partner: evolving our customer relationship model around personalized adice and seamless digital interaction.
- Preparing for the future: continuing to develop business models that prepare us for the future, increasing capital efficency and productivity while investing in digital skills for our employees.”
Generali benefits included in our packs
Personal liability and Accidental Life are automatically included in our plans.
And in more specific plans such as Indigo Expat Junior.